Geolocate equipment in Bag·Tower

How to display equipment on the Bag·Tower map

Cedric Atzori

Last Update pre godinu

Geolocation of an equipment allows for its display and geographical grouping on a map. This can be useful in various contexts such as fleet tracking, itinerary planning, locating a mobile equipment, or illustrating the territorial distribution of your activities.

Since equipment creation

From equipment edition

You have two options for geolocating equipment:

Option 1: Using the equipment creation or editing form.

1. Click on the arrow to open the form

2. Add latitude

3. Ajouter la longitude

4. Click on validate

And that's it! You've now added your equipment to the map.

N.B. If you need help finding a GPS position, here are the steps to follow:

1. Go to the website

2. Use the search bar to the left of the map to enter the location for which you want to obtain GPS coordinates.

3. Once you find the location, an information window will display the GPS coordinates of the location in decimal degrees (for example, 45.197617, 5.70944).

And there you have it! You now have the GPS coordinates of the location you were looking for.

Option 2: Via Tag

Using the tag "coord:" followed by the latitude, comma and longitude. For example: "coord: 45.197617,5.70944".

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